Brian & Jackie McCobb






Brian and Jackie have been serving in Paraguay since 2006. During their first two terms of service, God allowed them to be involved in two church plants, one just outside the capital city and the other on Paraguay's border with Brazil and Argentina. In 2013, God led them to become involved in caring for orphaned and vulnerable children. 

It is their great desire to see local churches take the lead in caring effectively for these precious young people. The science of the past few decades shows us very clearly that children do better in families over institutional care, but the Bible has shown us this all the way back in Psalms where it tells us that God is "a father of the fatherless..." and that he "setteth the solitary in families." 

Brian and Jackie head a foster care agency that recruits members of local churches to care for children while their legal cases are being determined. They promote local adoption in churches across the country and are frequently meeting with high ranking government official to pursue best care practices nationally. God has opened many doors and they are excited as God uses His churches and regular Christian families to be the heart and hands of Jesus to the orphaned and vulnerable children in Paraguay.