Missions: Dare I Use The Word ‘Cooperate’?

Our core values at IBMGlobal can be summarized with the words "Facilitate," "Cooperate," and "Innovate."

Missions is not about our organization, it's about gospel proclamation!

Cooperation among mission agencies and local churches of like faith and practice is often not healthy.  Divisions over secondary issues, competition for turf and differing philosophies create some of the challenges we currently face.

IBMGlobal believes cooperation, not competition, is to be expected and enjoyed with other Biblical missions agencies and churches. As able, we were willing and eager to share expertise, logistical support and resources as we seek the common goal of spreading the gospel around the globe.

Jeremy Wallace has a thought-provoking article over at his blog (jeremywallace.net). He summarized his reasons that why churches fail to cooperate in missionary outreach:

  • Too many Independent Baptist Churches are isolated, not independent.
  • Too many Independent Baptist pastors are more concerned with building their own kingdoms instead of God’s Kingdom. Pastors, we are shepherds of a flock, not kings of our own kingdoms. When we focus only on our local ministries to the neglect of God’s Kingdom, cooperation with other doctrinally sound churches is non-existent.
  • Too many Independent Baptist Churches break fellowship and refuse to cooperate over non-doctrinal, extra-biblical issues. Should there be discernment? Absolutely! Are there times when it may be wise to not work with another church? Sure! But I am afraid that working together in the area of missions is currently not even considered as an option.

Check out the entire article Missions: Dare I Use The Word ‘Cooperate’? | jeremywallace.net.