Steven & Melissa Gustafson



We are Steven & Melissa Gustafson working in Southern Italy since 2017 to share the light of Christ in a very dark place. Our primary purpose is to live out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the wonderful young adults in Manfredonia.

Although Italy is considered a very religious country, most young adults are atheist.

 Southern Italians will tell you they are very suspicious of all relationships outside their own family. One can see that sharing the gospel requires a consistent display of God’s love.

 Melissa and I thank you for your prayers as Italy is known to be a “missionary graveyard”. Most missionaries in Southern Italy don’t make it through their first term. We see that God is working and has us here for a purpose.

 Thank you for partnering with us in both prayer and finances. For being a part of what the Lord is doing here in Manfredonia.

 May God bless you!