Mission Prayer Letters Need To Be Mobile Friendly

Here is some information that missionaries should consider when drafting their next email prayer update.  This from Constant Contact:

75 percent of smartphone owners are “highly likely” to delete emails they can’t read on their phone

A new Constant Contact survey, done in conjunction with  research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey, provides further evidence for why brands need to be thinking about mobile when designing their marketing emails.

Possibly the most revealing piece of data collected from a survey which included responses from 1,497 smartphone users, is that 75 percent of users say they are “highly likely” to delete an email that does not display well on mobile.

It should come as no surprise that 80 percent of participants also reported it is extremely important to be able to read emails on their mobile device.

The survey also provides a closer look at the role of mobile for different age groups:

  • For respondents ages 18 to 30 years, 88 percent open email  on a mobile device, with more than half confirming their smartphone is their primary device for opening emails.
  • For respondents ages 30 to 39, 85 percent open emails on their mobile device with nearly half – 48 percent – claiming their smartphone is their primary device for email.
  • For respondents ages 40 to 49,  74 percent confirmed they read emails on their devices, but only 35 percent of this age demographic said that their smartphone was their primary device for reading emails.